1·Technological flowsheet for producing cobalt oxide from crude cobalt hydroxide is discussed.
2·Therefore, test research was made for an appropriate flotation technological flowsheet and new reagent regime for this ore.
3·The flotation reagent and technological flowsheet of producing purity fluorite concentrate by low quality fluorite in Nei Meng Area.
4·The results show that the existing technological flowsheet can well recover nickel, copper and cobalt while the precious metal recovery level remains to be improved.
5·Because of soluble copper and floatable gangue minerals in the ore, Cu-S bulk flotation technological flowsheet is adopted and obtain good metallurgical performance.
6·Technological flowsheet for producing cobalt oxide from crude cobalt hydroxide is discussed. It has been proves that high quality cobalt oxide can be produced using to this flowsheet.
7·The technological flowsheet of slurry agitation is introduced. The problems such as structure, rotation speed and overload protection of restarting of agitation impeller are discussed.
8·Dongshan concentrator has been transformed to the stage grinding and stage magnetic separation technological flowsheet by adding the trommel screens and low intensity magnetic separator.
9·Test research of discarding coarse tailings in new technological flowsheet consisting of two stage continuous grinding-gravity separation-magnetic separation-reverse flotation is described.
10·This paper analyses the problem of the technological flowsheet for concentractor, Er-fengshan Iron Mine, and obtain obvious economical profit by improving technology to increase metal recovery.